Remote jobs for those with Autism or Asperger's, test which one fits you best!

Many autistic people wish to work from home. This is a list of jobs you can do from home (or anywhere else). There are 5 groups of roles and included below is a tool that will help you decide which group is most relevant to you.

Please note: The tool doesn’t take into account your interest and qualifications. It focuses on the nature of work. If you have special qualifications, please take it into account (it will be interesting for you to see if the nature of work fits your qualifications though).

Please share: If you find this tool helpful, please share it with others :)

How it works

  1. Answer 4 questions below;

  2. Get the score (it’s not a test score, it has no meaning besides helping you understand what’s the best category for you);

  3. Check below the list of roles based on your score;

Click Here to Use the Tool