Authentic Transitioning to College and Life with Lauren Merritt

Our co-founder and COO, Lauren Merrit joined the podcast hosted by Betsy Jewell.

“I’m really hopeful that this conversation will bring hope and direction to parents who may be feeling confused, scared, or concerned about their teen’s future. Transitioning to life after high school, whether you are headed to college or someplace else, is difficult for most, and for some, it’s just plain overwhelming. Even for those students who seem to have what it takes to succeed academically, they may still need improvement in social skills and executive functioning skills like time management, organization, and follow-through.

Today’s guest, Lauren Merritt, is an expert in this field and has excellent advice and insight for parents of teens. Lauren is the Chief Operating Officer of College Steps, a non-profit organization that was founded by a clinical psychologist and a special educator with a simple mission: To empower students living with learning and social challenges through structured post-secondary support. Working closely with high schools, colleges, and families, they emphasize peer-to-peer services that build confidence and success.”