Peer Mentorship - Reflection Letter

“Being a mentor for College Steps has had a major positive impact on my life. Not only has mentoring fueled my passion to help others, but has helped me grow as a person in ways that other jobs can never come close to. Mentoring for College Steps has been the most fulfilling job I could have had at this stage in my life. There is no amount of caffeine that can give me the same level of energy and excitement I feel when I see the positive impact I make on a student’s life. I still struggle to wrap my mind around how wonderful it is to be able to benefit the lives of other people as well as my own at the same time. Early into my mentoring, I realized the advice I was giving students could be applied to my own struggles as well and came to the conclusion that I had to follow all the advice I gave or else it would be bad advice. By following my own advice I was able to grow my own success skills. I was surrounded by passionate, motivated leaders who served as excellent role models for me; I could always apply their advice to my mentoring and personal life. You become more like the people you surround yourself with, and I am very glad I was surrounded by such amazing people. In other words, mentoring for College Steps was not just some job, but a beautiful opportunity to help myself and others in a way that matters.”  

Best, Ben