Jack's Sports Blog and new position at Alchemist Brewery

Jack is in his third year with College Steps at NVU - Johnson and has been working hard to prepare himself for his future. Jack loves everything sport and keeps up on all the latest news from high school to professional. He has a sports blog that he updates every week and announces games with his dad on the weekends. Check out his blog here: https://blog2614.wixsite.com/jackclark

Recently, Jack accepted a position with Alchemist Brewery this semester and will be in charge of the sports column in their internal newsletter! As of August, 2018, Alchemists’ Heady Topper was rated the fourth best beer in the world by Beer Advocate.

Jack has been advocating for his needs, presenting his ideas and continues to enjoy his independence. He has loved working with this supportive community and will continue on with them past his time with College Steps.